List of Workshops & Descriptions


Our students are being impacted by record levels of trauma and stressors. As a result, they are bringing the stories of their trauma into the classroom. The impact on educators is resulting in burnout and compassion fatigue. During this workshop we will a working definition of Secondary trauma, burnout and techniques to managing compassion fatigue.


  • Introduce the concept of Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue
  • Define what is burnout
  • Impact of threat response
  • Techniques for Completing the Stress Response Cycle
  • Impact of Emotional Intelligence
  • Techniques to developing a burnout prevention routine


We are on information overload. The expectations and demands are increasing all the time. As, we have come to learn it impossible to control all the stressors in our lives, but we are responsible to manage our stress levels. During this workshop, there will be a practical application for developing techniques to completing the threat response cycle and explain the five steps to developing resilience.


  • Introduce the concept of Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” and how it applies to our current life.
  • Impact of threat response
  • Techniques for Completing the Stress Response Cycle
  • 5 Steps to Developing Resilience


The rate of violence among students is at an all-time high. At the same time, students are reporting high degrees of loneliness. What is a solution to this dilemma that are students are experiencing. It starts with connection and fostering the development of empathy. During this workshop, will discuss the impact of loneliness and shame, what is empathy, the different types of empathy and techniques to increase empathy and our emotional intelligence. 


  • Impact of loneliness
  • Differentiating between Guilt vs. Shame
  • Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the classroom
  • What is empathy?
  • Types of empathy
  • Techniques to increase your ability to be more empathic.


We spend most of the waking day at work. It is the space where we make the income to provide for our families, it is where some of us find fulfillment and satisfaction. But what if you are not at a 100%? During this workshop we are going to talk about the importance of developing of your emotional intelligence. Introduce the concept of the complexity problem. Define what in workplace burnout. Impact of cumulative trauma, moral injury, loneliness, and hopelessness on the worker. 


  • Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the workplace and techniques to increase your emotional intelligence.
  • Introduce the complexity problem theory.
  • Define workplace burnout.
  • Impact of Cumulative Trauma and Moral Injury.
  • Impact of loneliness and hopelessness.


Suicide rates are at an all-time high. Clients seeking help have experienced multiple traumas in their life. It is common to become desensitized to the pain and hopelessness that our clients are experiencing. During this workshop, we will focus on the impact of counter transference and critical benefits of empathy in providing care for the traumatized client. Introduction to the complexity problem and the emotional health continuum. Impact of clients’ risk factors and protective factors. Define and the implementation of techniques to differentiate between a client being in a passive risk for suicide and imminent risk for suicide.


  • Impact of transference and countertransference in the clinical setting
  • Working definition of trauma informed care
  • Impact of loneliness and hopelessness
  • Introduction of the complexity problem
  • Identifying risk and protective factors
  • Introduction and the utilization of the emotional health continuum
  • Identifying and differentiating between client being at passive or imminent suicide risk and what to do


The average worker spends more of their waking hours at work then with their loved ones. The demands seem to be greater and the expectations to perform appear to be ever increasing. Most trainings and educational programs emphasize improving individual performance. We believe to be thriving in today’s market place the key is creativity and innovation through teamwork and collaboration. During this workshop introduce and describe the importance of developing emotional intelligence in the workplace. We give techniques that each participant can utilize to increase their emotional intelligence.


  • What is Emotional Intelligence
  • Benefits of emotional intelligence in the workplace
  • Steps to Self-Awareness
  • What is empathy?
  • Types of empathy
  • Techniques to increase emotional intelligence in the workplace.


Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young adults. Young adults are feeling lonelier and more hopeless than ever before. Young adults are most likely to reach out to each before they ask for help from the professionals in their life. This workshop focuses on how we can become a Light in others darkness. The prevalence of young adult suicide. Identifying the factors that lead to suicide and techniques to create a culture to prevent another suicide.


  • How to be a Light in other’s Darkness
  • Prevalence of young adult suicide
  •  Factors and warning signs leading to young suicide.
  •  Techniques and strategies to creating a culture that prevents suicide.


During a time when technology is more advanced than ever and most people do not have to worry physical survival, individuals are reporting feeling more powerless and hopeless then ever. During this workshop we will utilize the work from Joseph Campbell and Viktor Frankl to guide us in developing a perception of meaning, purpose, and hope.


  • Introduce the concept of Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” and how it applies to our current life.
  • The different roles we may play in our life’s journey.
  • Impact and Prevalence of loneliness and hopelessness in modern times
  • Explore the Impact of Frankl’s work on life today to discover meaning, purpose, and hope.


Everyone suffers loss. But everyone grieves differently. And sometimes due to complications we can get stuck. During this workshop we are going to discuss the different type of losses, cumulative grief, what is and the impact of grief brain and the stages of grief and tips to journey through the grieving process.


  • Identifying different type of losses
  • Differentiating between grief and mourning
  • What is and the impact of grief brain
  • Stages of grieving
  • Tips to utilize during the grief journey


On May 23, 2023, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy issued an advisory warning about the impact that social media is having on the mental health of young people. Youth are reporting higher levels of anxiety, depression, loneliness, and suicidality than ever before. This workshop is designed for youth, parents and professional to address this growing crisis. During this workshop, we will discuss parenting styles, Eric Erickson’s development stages of growth and how this impacted by technology and social media. The impact of social media use on academic performance and the mental health of our youth. We will introduce techniques to have minimize the negative impact of social media on the family.


  • Introduce different parenting styles and the pressures of modern parenting.
  • Introduce and implement Eric Erickson’s development model for children and youth and how social media is having negative impact of development.
  • Impact of social media on our youth academic performance and mental health development.
  • Techniques and tips for parents and professionals regarding social media and our youth.


Over the past of couple of years, it has become abundantly clear that we are unable to control all the stressors. But, we are responsible to manage the stressors in our life. What appears to be an obstacle may be opportunity for growth and development. During this workshop, we discuss the philosophy of the Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, a working definition of resilience an introduction how brain grows stronger when we do hard things. And, participants will be given five steps to develop resilience.


  • Introduction to Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey;
  • Introduce a working definition of resilience;
  • Explaining the anterior midcingulate cortex and how the development of this part brain increases grit;
  • Introduction and the application of the five steps to develop resilience;


Bullying has been identified as the second leading cause for individuals being suicidal. There is no excuse to tolerate bullying. During this workshop will introduce essential keys to creating a bully free culture. Key learning points will be an operational definition of bullying, reasons why bullies bully, the impact of bullying and types of bullying. There will be an introduction to the bully circle. We will discuss the benefits of accountability and the impact of developing empathy and kindness.


  • Introduce negative impact of bullying on the individuals and the Community
  • Identify bullying behavior (what it is and what it is not) and why the bully bullies
  • Introduce the Bullying Circle and the impact
  • Identify what to do if bullying occurs
  • Components of a healthy inclusive culture
  • Introducing the Essential Keys to bullying prevention: Accountability, kindness and empathy


As a result of COVID and the pandemic, there has been significant increase in anxiety and depressive symptoms and a sense of loneliness and hopelessness experienced by all age groups. The workplace has been impacted as well. As leaders, it essential to be prepared for the new pressures our staff are experiencing. During this workshop, we will discuss the importance of developing emotional intelligence and empathy. We will be addressing the warning signs of mental illness and what can be done to assist the employees. We will be discussing topics of how to support the LGBTQ population as well as individuals who are transgender.


  • Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the workplace and techniques to increase your emotional intelligence.
  • Introduce the complexity problem theory.
  • Define workplace burnout.
  • Impact of loneliness and hopelessness.
  • Warning signs of mental illness and suicide risk
  • Techniques to create an emotional safe work environment for the LGBTQ population
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